

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

{ Happy Birthday boo thang! }

this past week has been [ CRAZY! ] 
i'm just barely starting to get back into reality and the routine of things.
time to play catch up.

celebrated my boo thangs birthday two weekends ago!

started our weekend off with a movie. who sneaks ice cream into a movie?...WE DO! we went to target and found my [ favorite ] ice cream bars. i haven't had one of these since the last time i as in New Zealand. now that they  sell them here in the US so you know we had to.

next, we took a step up from cliche (aka movies) and went to the shooting range. until then i had never shot a gun. guess there's a first time for everything. i'd like to think i'm on Angelina Jolies status now lol

went to Joe' Crab Shack afterwards. the food was wack but still worth the one-on-one time.

finished our weekend taking our son to the park (sippin' on these).
clownin' and laughing at the stupidest things. lol

Happy birthday baby! 
This woman loves you MOST!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

{ Simple Things #6 }

watching my son sleep
since day 1 he still sleeps the same way. 

there's something about watching a sleeping baby that just makes the world stop and everything seems...perfect.

{ Easter }

 had a great weekend with my 'lil family and with the rest of our families. this was the first year my son was actually really into the whole "eater egg hunt". 
 a few pics from his fun on Sunday...
we had an easter egg hunt in Gigi's backyard. this mom was a little too excited though and hid tons of eggs for just one kid.

his first (real) easter egg hunt:
-he would get so excited every time he dropped an egg into his bowl (sorry mama forgot to buy a basket)
 -every egg that cracked open in the bowl he had to stop and eat the candy inside before going on
-while looking for "ess" he took a quick 5 second nap on the lawn chair.  

 ...proof that he literally ate almost every egg along the way. the other proof was the explosion in his pants....that got everywhere but staying in his pants! (thought i'd leave that pic out though) poor 'lil guy had to get sprayed down by the hose.

the easter bunny accidently gave baby a Buzz Lightyear helmet that was a little too [ small ].
this kid would not take it off and went around the house for the next hour doing his "Buzz Lightyear moves" and putting on a show for everyone. he is his father's son.

i love seeing my son get so excited and happy. seeing him happy makes me happy.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

{ good day }

 loved this one!
 i'm too [ blessed ] to be stressed. 
i can't afford to have any bad days when i have all these blessings, opportunities,  and life to live before me.
life's too short to get caught up in petty matters.
 i was made to have [ joy ]
so today, i'm making it a good one.

 [optimisitc much??...yup]

on a side note: i'm super late posting my last photoaday for march. but here's my last one [ PROGRESS SHOT ].
i pulled size 8 off the rack at the store just for the heck on it and THEY FIT!
hard work pays off!
this girl is staying fit and healthy for life!